six word story #85

Unlike people, books never judged her.

This post was written in response to my own Saturday Six Word Story Prompt (6WSP) #52: Judge. Click on the link to read entries from my fellow bloggers.

Yes, I am a bibliophile. Sometimes.. who am I kidding? Books are much better companions than most humans, especially when I am worked up about something, angry, lost, miserable, frustrated, sad or happy. Books lift my spirits up and make me happy. Even when I am happy, they make me even more happy. Not all books.. just the good ones! But you get the idea. That’s also the reason why most of my birthday gifts turn out to be books! And they are a very treasured part of my personal library. And here is a huge thanks to all of those who have indulged my inner bibliophile. (Yes, I have got a confession – I think I have spent more money on books than clothes and food!)

Click here to know more about this challenge.

Please click here to read the six word stories that I’ve previously published on this blog.

Image courtesy: Sushant Suresh

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© 2020 Shweta Suresh. All rights reserved.



52 thoughts on “six word story #85

  1. My experience is just the opposite. I often see my own attitudes and failings in a story. For example, I read about a character saying “I’ll do it” and tackling the job bravely, I’m judged because I’d rather wish someone else would do it so I wouldn’t have to. Especially really courageous things. 😉

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Oh. I think I pick and choose what I like. But books give me company. They help transport me to another world when my mind is troubled. Some characters are so beloved that once I finish the book, I feel as if I’ve lost a friend! I’ve never thought of that way, you know. Compared myself with the character. Not that much!

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      1. I think of how Charles Dickens novels, especially A Christmas Carol and Oliver Twist, changed the thinking of the whole Victorian England society, and people became more compassionate towards the poor. He was brave to tackle those issues and he accomplished a lot with his tales. So books do sort-of point out and pass judgement on attitudes.

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  2. I am not a reader really. But yaa as you not said not all books but good books definitely have all my attention while I read them.
    And also when we are happy they make us more happy, but when we are sad, they calm us.

    So now we know what we can gift Shweta on her b’day haa!
    Nice one Shweta!

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  3. I feel very like you, Shweta. In these time of late I have come to cherish books even more so. I found out I have to be very selective in my reading for anything violent or dark, I cannot read. My spirit just cringes. I read only uplifting books that feed my mind and spirit with comfort. Hope your day was a really good one, dear friend! xo

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      1. Material I was able to read I’m no longer able to. It takes me a LONG time selecting books at the library. SO much violence and badly written books. It brings me so much happiness involved in a good book. SMILE!

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