I won an award!

Do you remember the six word story #4 that I had posted last Saturday? If you haven’t got a chance to read it, here’s the link:

six word story #4

I had written the story in response to the Sometimes Stellar Storyteller’s Six Word Story Challenge prompt “Deceive”. The votes are in and the winners have been announced. And… guess what?

I won the third prize! 😀

I’m extremely happy and honoured. And huge thanks to all those who voted. Also, here’s my shiny, highly prized badge! 😀


Barely three hours left until I post my next six word story. So stay tuned folks! 😀

56 thoughts on “I won an award!

      1. Ohh I believe I can rectify this situation. I’m sorry I didn’t think of your blog before. I’ll include yours in the list of nominees. I hope that you’ll consider accepting this award. 😊 Thanks for letting me know.

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Wait wait Shweta.. No laptop I am already nominated for 3 pending tags.. So nominate next week hehehe.. Let me learn wp on laptop.. I dont even know where my tags have gone hehe.. I am from the dark ages.. Wonderful to talk to u

        Liked by 1 person

      3. That’s okay. Take your time to do this post. 🙂 It can be a bit hard to keep track of. I bookmark all the award posts/tags that I haven’t gotten around to doing. Maybe that might help you too. 🙂 It’s wonderful to talk to you too. 🙂


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