A bunch of random thoughts

In retrospect, things can seem so much easier and uncomplicated. One can beat oneself about the fact that they could have done a lot of things differently. Time and experience can bring us a little bit closer to wisdom. Happiness can’t be bought and it most certainly isn’t received when we look back on our life with regrets.

For someone who had been born and brought up in the city, an idyllic countryside might seem charming. But a few weeks spent in a charming countryside can make a city-bred yearn for the comforts, conveniences, hustle and bustle of the city. Someone who has spend most of their younger years in a peaceful countryside might yearn for a visit to the city. They might be dazzled initially by the sights that a vibrant city has to offer. But when they spend too much time copped up in their tiny apartments in the busy cities, they might yearn to go back to their home. Memories of the cool, fresh, and crisp air and the calming greenery of their countryside might make a busy city fall short in their eyes. There is no place like home. In the moments when you face a crisis, all thoughts and memories of home tend to flood your mind. I guess that’s because home is much more than just a place. It’s a feeling. It’s something that cannot be replaced.

Sometimes we make choices that take us away from our homes. It might have seemed like the best idea at the time of decision making but in retrospect, we might wonder why we chose that path. Life seems so simple and easy in retrospect. But I guess that’s because in retrospect, many unknowns cease to exist…

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© 2020 Shweta Suresh. All rights reserved.

73 thoughts on “A bunch of random thoughts

      1. I agree I felt it’s a different style with the flow of words …not your usual … but as I read it, nowhere it seemed like you struggled! This is actually good to show your writing skills and different writing styles .. keep going girl .. you rock 🙌😊

        Liked by 1 person

      2. It’s completely different! I guess my brain wanted a change. 😂
        Oh, but trust me when I say that I struggled a lot to come with this random bunch of thoughts. I’m so happy to hear that it’s impressive! Thank you so much, HS 😃
        Thanks a lot for making my day. I hope you had a great day 😃

        Liked by 1 person

      1. Haha. There are moments when I convince myself that I won’t be homesick. But there are moments when I miss home so much that it almost hurts. I wish that I could carry that feeling along with me too! You aren’t alone. Btw, are you guys still in Sweden?

        Liked by 1 person

    1. Oh yes, life is a journey that can take us far from home. Though the homesickness gets better after a while, a part of you will always miss home. Thank you so much for reading, my dear. I’m so happy to know that you enjoyed this post 🥰


  1. The call of home can be so strong. Even our aging parents still light up when they visit they’re old village/country homes of their childhood.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Loved your thoughts! I think for a lot of people home is more than a place but rather memories, people and familiarity and that’s why at the end of the day most people yearn for home.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Yes Shweta ..
    I have been home for the past 5 months and it has been only half a month since I came back.. but I have started the craving and the missing 😦 !!! I have always loved the country side and loved the simple living 🙂
    Major missing 😦

    And I loved your different style ..and as HS said, I did not feel that you had a struggle here!! It is amazing 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

    1. I know the feeling. It’s been nearly six months since I have been to my home. And I think that I probably won’t be able to go for nearly another year. I’m not that homesick usually but at times, it hits with such a startling intensity. Sathyam, it’s major missing indeed.

      I’m so happy that you liked this one. I think I’m going to stay off fiction for a while. My brain doesn’t seem to want to cooperate to write fiction 🙆🏻‍♀️
      Thank you so much for the reassurance, dear.

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Nice thoughts….
    Home is indeed a feeling….rather an emotion….mostly residing beyond logical appreciation…like peace…
    It’s like a star that is always shining but maybe invisible in the prime of the day….or in a stormy night veiled under clouds…. it’s a sense that says about its presence even when it doesn’t exist any more….it’s undoubtedly one of the finest illusions that keeps on binding life to a narrow world….denying faith in anything external to it….
    In retrospect life lies far away from both….the home and the heaven…
    Your wonderful way of presenting those random thoughts inspired me to share a few of mine…. nothing to disagree or agree….
    My regards

    Liked by 2 people

  5. Nice thoughts….
    Home is indeed a feeling….rather an emotion….mostly residing beyond logical appreciation…like peace…
    It’s like a star that is always shining but maybe invisible in the prime of the day….or in a stormy night veiled under clouds…. it’s a sense that says about its presence even when it doesn’t exist any more….it’s undoubtedly one of the finest illusions that keeps on binding life to a narrow world….denying faith in anything external to it….
    In retrospect life lies far away from both….the home and the heaven…
    Your wonderful way of presenting those random thoughts inspired me to share a few of mine…. nothing to disagree or agree….
    My regards

    Liked by 1 person

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