six word story #92

“Don’t worry. I’m okay”, she lied.

Please click here to read the six word stories that I’ve previously published on this blog.

Image courtesy: Sushant Suresh

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© 2020 Shweta Suresh. All rights reserved.



66 thoughts on “six word story #92

      1. That’s good. Don’t let anything come in between you and your studies. Preparation for PG?
        I’m slowly finding my way back to the blogosphere. I was on a bit of a break. I didn’t let it affect my streak but I had so many posts to read and comments to respond to. I’ve almost caught up with those. So I’m feeling really happy. Life’s as usual, work’s hectic as usual but blogging is keeping me sane 😂

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Yup, Pg 😅
        Same here, blogging and writing keep me sane too
        Not getting much time to write but i do read blogs in between for a change

        Always be happy
        Take care 💙🤗

        Liked by 1 person

      3. All the best. I know the competition is really tough. I hope you’re able to do very well. When’s the exam?
        It’s okay, Era. We don’t mind waiting because when you do write, it’s fabulous. Thank you, dear. I hope you have a great day too. Stay safe. Take care.

        Liked by 1 person

      4. Thank you so much, Shweta 💙, blessings are much needed ☺☺ I too hope so
        One is in Nov and then 2nd in Jan
        Oh, that’s so sweet of you, thank you again ☺☺
        You too, take care and stay safe

        Liked by 1 person

      1. Actually nah, I resigned you know this, but then I wanted to complete my portion of work and didn’t want to leave abruptly, so I wanna conclude everything by the end of month.

        So just summing up everything now. I mean syllabus and stuff.

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Yes Shweta.
        I am on the verge of completing it.
        Today I submitted all question papers and answer key.
        Sent everything that I had in hand that I received from school, books and some papers.
        Now Just two more lectures to upload.
        One for tomorrow and other for Wednesday. After that I’ll be free.


      3. Oh. It did? When did this happen. I check my spam, trash and pending comments folders daily. But I couldn’t find anything in there on my last search. Let me check again.
        Fear not, my dear. All comments will be rescued.


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