One-liner Wednesdays #46



What you would call that particular stain or spot of dirt that refuses to disappear (or at least fade a little!) no matter how much force, cleaning agents, time or elbow grease you spent trying to remove it!

This post was written in response to today’s One-Liner Wednesday challenge from Linda G. Hill. The challenge, as the name implies is to come up with a one-liner. Please click on the link to know more about the rules of this challenge and/or to read the other entries by my fellow bloggers.

Have you ever found yourself in this situation, where you absolutely fail to remove the stain/dust in question? Have you got any cleaning tips for me?

I just had my first shot of the vaccine yesterday. Thanks to our status as Front-Line Workers, a few of my colleagues and I got the vaccine on priority basis in the 18-44 age group. I have been having body pains all day today. But I am feeling exceptionally hungry. I am well rested, well fed and having lots of fluids. However, my activity in the blogosphere might be low for a few days. I just started reading Julia Quinn’s Bridgerton series and I’m loving it so far. So you’ll know where to find me if I disappear for a few days – at home with my nose buried in the said book or any one of its sequels!

Wherever you are, I hope you are safe and well. Take care.

Follow the tag “ShwetaWrites” to ensure that you don’t miss any of my posts!

Image courtesy: Laura @

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© 2021 Shweta Suresh. All rights reserved.

64 thoughts on “One-liner Wednesdays #46

    1. I am glad you liked my definition. Thank you so much for reading. It is truly wonderful. I just started reading the Duke and I and I am almost halfway through it. And at the rate at which I am devouring it, I am positive I’ll finish it before the end of the day! 😀


      1. Hey, Rigozo. You can call me Shweta 🙂
        Thanks for checking in with me. I just started reading To Sir Philip, With Love. I may be finished with the series over the next weekend. 🙂


  1. Oh yes, I’ve had a few stubborn stains in my life. When I was much younger, I had a pair of pink jeans that I loved, but they also attracted and held onto any stain possible, even those that were meant to wash out. Not sure why, but I was sad for a long time over losing those jeans.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Oh it feels like such a great loss – losing clothes to stubborn stains. I hate it when that happens too. Whenever I’m wearing white, I’ve got to be extra careful not to spill anything on the dress!
      Thanks for reading and for sharing your thoughts, Mary.

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Uh oh. Stained whites are the worst! If you don’t mind me asking, what kind of stain was it – coffee, mud?
      I hope you’ll find a way to rescue your favourite shirt.
      Thanks, Keith. I’m glad that I’ve got the first one too. One down, one more to go!
      I’m glad that you’ve had both shots. Stay safe. Take care 😃

      Liked by 1 person

  2. The word stubborn is perfect, Shweta. Take care even I had the first day was feeling very funny and had fever too but later all was good with taking Dolo medicine three times a day. Rest is very important and nice to be reading and whiling your time. Stay blessed.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks a lot, Kamalji. My parents had a tough first day too after the first dose. Yes. I’m also taking Dolo. I feel nicely rested. Hopefully I’ll be feeling much better tomorrow. Stay safe. Take care. I hope both your shots are done by now. 🙂


  3. Ah, I am glad to hear about your vaccination, Shweta. A lovely one-liner. Yes, absolutely I’ve found myself in that position, more times than, well once, and often I can save the piece of clothing, yet there have been a couple occasions where this was not possible. A tide stick has helped many an article of clothing. Rest well, my friend. ❤

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Haha. I’ve been making a habit of this for quite sometime. It’s a Wednesday special weekly feature on my blog. I call it Words Redefined. Do check out that category if you’re interested in more of these.
      Thanks a lot for your encouraging words, Anushka ❤️😃

      Liked by 1 person

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