Food for thought #8: Why are we obsessed with time?

The clock keeps ticking. It has never stopped and it will never stop either. Seconds turn to minutes to hours and just like that, an entire day had passed before you can fully realize it. Time works in mysterious ways. It’s like a jigsaw puzzle that you can’t seem to complete. But then again, we humans are the only ones who are so obsessed with time. None of the other species wear a tiny dial on their wrist that tells them what time of the day it is! They don’t have fancy wall hangings to tell time either. And they probably don’t have the world split into time zones either. Not like that’s going to bother them. Humans are the only species who have to go out of their way to video call their clients, family or friends in different time zones!

Animals don’t care about time. But how does the rooster know when it’s time for him to crow. It’s not like the Sun updates him on his whereabouts. On a side note, I have heard many roosters crow at the wrong time of the day. So maybe all of them don’t have a fabulous internal clock. How do the birds know when it’s time to start hunting or building nests or even migrate! How do animals figure out when it’s time to hibernate and when it’s time to come out of hibernation? They rely on the light and dark and the changing seasons to guide them. Their senses are acutely tunes to Nature’s gentle guidance unlike us. Maybe we have let ourselves stray far from Nature in our quest for development and new technologies.

I know this post is nothing like my usual stuff but I have been weighed down by migraine since yesterday. I am feeling better now but I’m feeling very much tired. Do let me know if this post made any sense to you by reaching out through comments. It might take me a while to respond to your comments but I will get around to replying to each and every comment eventually.

Stay safe.

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© 2021 Shweta Suresh. All rights reserved.

112 thoughts on “Food for thought #8: Why are we obsessed with time?

  1. Mmmm. First, I hope you are feeling much better, dear Shweta. Migraines are no fun. Rest and feel well, my dear friend.❤ Second, your post is lovely; I think human beings have become removed from Nature, and one of the consequences of this removal, among others, is the obsession with time. I also know human beings have the ability to reconnect, if you will, with Nature. Is beautiful. 🤗❤

    Liked by 1 person

    1. They are no fun indeed. I’m feeling much better, Jeff. The migraine has released me from its clutches.
      Yes, I do believe that we have lost a lot when we became removed from Nature. And yes, we do have the ability to reconnect. But not everyone seizes that opportunity. Nature is truly beautiful and awe-inspiring. Thank you, my friend ❤️😃🤗

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I am so glad to read and to know that the migraine has released you. Excellent. Indeed, and completely agree with you, my dear friend. Have a lovely day, dear Shweta. ❤🤗

        Liked by 1 person

  2. I think we are the only creatures that know and appreciate the concept of ‘death’ – hence, the urgency to do more in whatever time we are given. But I agree, life would be so much more meaningful if we stopped caring about time running out and instead enjoy the life we have in the time we have.
    Hope you’re feeling better, Shweta! ❤


  3. You see sometimes we snooze the alarm and think of sleeping for another 5 mins ,only to wake up 2 hours later and then freak out for being late right? Maybe the roosters do the same thing sometimes 😀 😀
    Take care btw!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Haha. That happens to me sometimes and I freak out whenever that happens. To ensure that such instances are rare, I put a series of alarm just to ruin whatever plans my sleepy self might have 🤣🤣🤣🤣
      Haha, yeah maybe that happens to roosters too. I’m totally fine now. Thank you 😃

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Yes, absolutely! We stay away from the nature focusing on materialistic development. The connection with animals, birds and nature is so fascinating! We call ourselves a social animal and sadly forgot, what socialising is.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. We as humans also have set up our clocks based on day & night which ultimately is related to nature’s own timeline right. I feel in a way we have still stuck to the nature as a base.
    One thing about time which always fascinates me is its relativeness. 15 mins into meditation feel way more longer than 15 mins into watching a video.
    Also, hope you are feeling much better now! Take care! 😄

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yes, we have stuck to the concept of day and night. But our instincts are not so tuned when compared to animals. They can sense earthquakes, tsunamis and the like. That was the point I was trying to bring across.
      Yes, it is relative indeed. The more we enjoy something, the faster time seems to pass by. The more bored we are, time seems to pass so very slow!
      I’m perfectly fine now. Thank you so much for reading and sharing your thoughts, Harshal

      Liked by 1 person

      1. That’s good to hear!
        And yes I get your point. We as humans evolved too fast to lose that connection with nature I suppose. That in animals is still evidently intact.

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  6. The other creatures neither dress-up nor do they need money to make a living nor have a sense of urgency perhaps 🙂 We are always in a rush whereas they are more aligned with nature. Thought-provoking post. Hope you are feeling better.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Made a lot of sense! Time is a weird concept and it really is humans that concentrate on it this much. I guess that’s why we have such a hard time living in the moment. Hope you feel better!

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Oh no, I hope you are feeling much better from your migraine, they’re no fun. I 100% agree with your post, I can sadly admit I am addicted to time. At least 20 times a day I’m either trying to rush to get something finished, or can’t wait for work to end, or thinking I should be in bed or waking up by a certain time. I also know for a fact that I was losing my touch with nature because technology seems to be taking over my life, but I am trying to slowly get out of that.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. They are no fun indeed. I am feeling much better now. I am guilty of checking it too especially when I want it to pass quickly. You are right. We are losing touch with Nature due to overuse of technology too. Thank you so much for reading and commenting

      Liked by 1 person

  9. Wow, this post got me wondering. It’s only humans who are obsessed with Time. Our little brains bound by discipline, imagine the chaos, if we didn’t adhere to it. Technology is in some ways making us deaf to calls of Nature. Well composed Shweta. Hope you feel better.

    Liked by 1 person

  10. Well time and ride Waits for none…so really doesn’t make too much sense fussing over it…but then we people don’t understand that and keep chasing it anyways…. migraine’s a bitch…I know it too well…get well soon ❤️❤️


  11. That’s actually true. I also many a times find myself thinking about how animals go about doing everything like we do but they don’t have anything like time zones like you mentioned


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