About Me

Shweta is a voracious reader who loves writing, sarcasm, binge-watching and baking. A chatterbox, Potterhead, dog lover, engineer and married to the love of her life by by choice. Malayali, perfectionist, and terrible struggling cook by default.

When she’s not writing, she can be found doing any one of the following – cut off from the real world with her nose buried deep in a book or her Kindle, dreaming about her favourite fictional characters, trying to cook without setting her kitchen on fire, thinking up new fun ideas for her blog. She also loves to sing along to whatever song that’s blaring through her headphones.

This blog is a platform for her to voice her thoughts, weave tiny tales and showcase her journey as a writer. She has high hopes for this blog. Help her out by following this blog!

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70 thoughts on “About Me

      1. I’m annoying. Though I’m trying to work in it. I can talk endlessly about anything. So, feel free to be a chatterbox around me.

        Liked by 1 person

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