tiny tale #35: An endless loop!

She played her favourite song in an endless loop, over and over again until she could sing along without missing a beat….

Okay, raise your hand if you have ever done this! 😁 😂

I do this all the time and that probably explains why a very good part of brain storage deals solely with song lyrics. If only I were able to remember other stuff as well as song lyrics, I’d have been a living, walking encyclopedia. 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂

This post was written in response to today’s Daily Prompt: Loop

Click here to read all my tiny tales.

© 2017 Shweta Suresh. All rights reserved.

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Image courtesy: Pixabay

92 thoughts on “tiny tale #35: An endless loop!

    1. Ohhh 😂😂😂😂 I guess my family have gotten used to my voice so there’s not much complaining. 😂😂😂 Sometimes I listen to a song over and over again just so that I can learn the lyrics and sing along. 😁 For some reason, my brain is an expert only when it comes to remembering song lyrics. 😂 Glad to know that you could relate, Shalini. Here’s to playing our favourite songs on repeat. 😍😊

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    1. Whoops that’s a long time to keep your hands raised. You can put them down now. I hope your arms aren’t paining! 😁 I do this all the time. What’s the last song that you kept listening to over and over again?

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      1. Ohhh I haven’t got a change to hear those yet. They’re on my to-check-out playlist now. 😀 Ohhh, I’m sorry to hear that. Here’s something for all that trouble! 😉 🍫🍰

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    1. Me too! 😂😂😂😂 I get stares when I start singing along. My headphones give me the illusion that I’m singing along brilliantly but cough cough my family might disagree and call it anything other than singing. 😂😂😂 But I just can’t help it. I have got to sing along! 😁😁😁

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  1. Oh!! lovely post..simple and sweet…I always do what you said…however unlike you I only remember the tune and never the lyrics…so all the time I am humming without lyrics annoying everyone around me..

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Sorry for the delayed reply! Yay maybe there’s a scientific reason and we aren’t crazy for listening to songs over and over again. 😀😀😀 (You are not crazy… It’s just that you’re awesome 💕😀)


  2. Ha ha.. it goes other way round with me. The songs which I play in loop, I only remember tune and hardly remember lyrics. Then I put my own words. 😛

    P.S. Do check your spam. Looks like 2 of them went there! 😀

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    1. I’m so sorry. The spam issue is back again. The comments kept piling up and it’s been a while since I cleared out the spam folder. Uh oh. 🤐 But I’m currently on a rescuing spree. Thanks for alerting me to the fact!

      Haha I occasionally mix up the words too. 😂😂😂 And sometimes my version of the lyrics are much more memorable than the actual ones. As long as we’re having fun, the lyrics don’t matter much. Right? ( Although the artists might disagree 😂😂😂 )

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    1. Ohhh thank you so much, Moon. I love that you loved this tale. I’m extremely happy to hear that! At times, I feel like my mind is a radio station because there is this song that’s stuck in my head and keeps playing on repeat. 😁

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    1. Ohh you’re in, dear. 😀 I sing along and keep singing ( despite the many protestations 😂😂😁 ) until I know every single word of the lyrics. And surprisingly, my brain rarely forgets the lyrics! 😂 If only it could remember other important stuff too. 😁😂😂😂 There’s this app called Smule that allows you to sing along to the soundtrack. ( The free version allows access to limited content but I’m very content to be using the free session. ) I should also mention that it makes your voice sounds extraordinarily amazing, all thanks to the many filters. 😀😀😀

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Now that you say that it can transform my voice I will get that app for sure. Don’t have it but heard of it for sure. Enjoy yourself singing a tune to everything. As for me, I will get back to my routine singing slong😂

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      2. Ohhh I’ve been really neglecting the blog for the last few days. 🤐 So I may not be the right person to take classes from. 😂😂😂 And I’m sure you are the more skilled when it comes to managing stuff. I’ll let you know, dear. I’ll reach out through FB or Twitter. 😊

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