Versatile Blogger Award!

The back-to-back award post marathon continues. I was nominated for the Versatile Blogger Award by Minty Freshie. Thank you so much for the nomination, Minty! I’m so honoured. I’m sorry it took me quite a long while to do this post. Do visit her blog and support her by reading, liking, sharing and following! Here’s the link to her blog:

The rules are:

  • Display this award
  • Thank the person who nominated you and put a link back to their blog
  • Share 7 facts about yourself
  • Nominate other bloggers to do the award.

Here’s the award:


Here are the seven facts:

  1. I am a vegetarian by choice.
  2. When I really love a song, I listen to it over and over again! (Right now, I’ve been listening to these songs: Heavy, Leave Out All the Rest (Linkin Park), Little Do You Know (Alex & Sierra), Photograph and Thinking Out Loud (Ed Sheeran))
  3. I love dogs!
  4. I love singing along to songs, especially if my headphones are on!
  5. Asking me to cook a proper meal would be the easiest way to burn down the kitchen!
  6. I love animated movies and no, those movies are not just meant for kids!
  7. I love the number seven.

And I can’t wait for the Season 2 premiere of This is Us!

If you are interested in doing this post and if you have never ever been nominated for this award, just drop a line in the comments section and I’ll add your name right away! 😀

Thanks for reading. Hope you had a great weekend!

© 2017 Shweta Suresh. All rights reserved.

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