
Dear childhood,

When I was small, all I wanted was to grow up.

Just so that I could be an adult who could do anything she wanted,

without being told that, “You’re too small for that. Wait till you grow up”.

I hated having to wake up, and get dressed for school.

All I wanted to do was stay under the warmth and comfort of my blanket,

lost deep within the depths of the many now-forgotten sweet dreams.

Studying was a chore, homework was the bane of my existence,

exams and report cards were the worst things known to humans!

Harry Potter held my hand and led me through my baby steps,

to a sometimes-crazy-to-the-point-of-unhealthy hobby

that would become a huge part of the rest of my life.

Music was a close second place,

but cartoons and movies took a backseat when it came to my love for books.

That was a time when there was an answer to every question,

a solution to every problem,

and a huge vacation to look forward to, every year!

Time seemed to have passed by in the blink of an eye.

Turns out that now, I am a bit too old for certain things!

Things have changed so much, and yet some haven’t changed at all.

Now, I’m an adult who would give anything to relive my childhood days.

I stare wistfully at a group of school kids having the time of their lives in the playground.

The corners of my mouth lift up as realization dawns.

My childhood may be long since over by now,

but the child in me will live on,

fuelled by chocolates, ice creams, books, memories and anything sweet and/or cute! 😀

Yours sincerely,

Yet another adult who feels that her childhood was over in a flash.

Author’s Note:

That being said, I’m grateful that I had a happy childhood! *touch wood*

Happy Children’s Day, fellow bloggers! What’s your favourite childhood memory? What do you miss the most?

I know that I haven’t replied to several comments. Please bear with me. I’ll get around to answering those as soon as possible. Take care!

Image courtesy: Pixabay

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© 2017 Shweta Suresh. All rights reserved.

49 thoughts on “Childhood

  1. What a beautiful tribute to childhood. You need not spell out but your words paint a beautiful childhood, albeit one you might never return to but you can compensate by setting the child in you free occasionally.
    I for one think that even stage in your life needs to be celebrated and rejoiced.
    Simple pleasures constitute the many fond memories of my childhood. Accompanying my father to the vegetable market, enjoying a piece of 5 star or Diary Milk, climbing trees and eating lots of mangoes, morning walks by the lake and the books that have stayed my best companions.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. I think the child in me is perpetually free and can never be reined in! 😂 It can be a curse at times. 🙊 Yes, every stage in life needs to be cherished… but it seems to me that we only realize how beautiful a phase was once it’s over. Alle?

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Oh yes! That is a fact of life. Either we are too busy enjoying that moment or we are too busy wishing for the grass that appears greener on the other side.
        It is not a curse, my dear. To have that child inside you is beautiful. You see things differently, more simply actually. I hope that you stay that way for a long long time.


      1. Athey! but alas athu pooyi. Its okay, we will remind ourselves to live our present then. I relive all that through my children now. It might look a little crazy to someone who is a spectator but luckily I am free of spectators.

        Liked by 1 person

  2. So very relatable! I don’t know why all kids are in such a hurry to grow up, because adulthood is not nearly as glamorous and exciting as it seems from afar.

    (Note to kids everywhere: Don’t grow up; it’s a trap!) 😜

    Liked by 2 people

  3. Beautifully written, Shweta and so true for so many of us. Thanks for holding my hands and taking me on a dreamy tour down memory lane.
    May the child live long and thrive .

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much.. I’m glad you enjoyed this post. And I’m really sorry about the extremely late response. I just reblogged this post and that’s when I saw your comment!


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