tiny tale #76: The haunted mansion

In the heart of the forest, there stood an old mansion that was widely known to be haunted. Every day as dusk dropped its dark veil over the surroundings, an eerie yellow glow would emit from the lone window at the top of the mansion. The occasional weird sounds that came from the mansion did not bode well. As days passed, the news of the haunting and “ghostly sightings” grew abundant. Eventually the railway track that passed close to the house had to be abandoned. People were terrified to approach the mansion or its surroundings. The lone inmate of the mansion was delighted and relieved. She could finally live in peace. Her well-executed plans had added fire to the fuel of rumours. She would no longer be a victim of domestic abuse. Her abusive, alcoholic husband was never going to find her.

This post was written in response to Sadje’s What Do You See prompt #31. Thank you Sadje for hosting this challenge. The challenge is to use the picture prompt as inspiration to compose an original story, poem, or a caption.

Image courtesy: Pixabay – ArtTower

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70 thoughts on “tiny tale #76: The haunted mansion

    1. Thank you, Sadje. It took me almost an entire day to come with a response to this one. I was afraid that a writer’s block might be approaching! But thanks for saving me from that. Thank you for the prompt ā¤ļø

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