Spam, insensitive comments and other annoying stuff

Warning: This is sort of a rant. This is me, venting out.

Regular readers of mine might be wondering about my radio silence today. I just took the best part of my Sunday (my only day off) to clean out the spam and trash folders of my blog. I managed to rescue many of your comments that had been lodged there for several days altogether. I don’t know why WordPress gets it wrong when it comes to spam. Anyway, I have rescued all your comments. Also, I am making a mental resolution to check my spam and trash folders everyday… from today onwards.. hopefully!

I came across many comments that were rightly classified as spam, These include but are not limited to:

  • Shamelessly self-promoting their blog through comments on my blog without even a single reference to my posts:

Dear spammers, please know that each blog post is published with a lot of effort and care. It is downright insulting to any blogger when you use their comments section just to drop your links without even reading the said post. Don’t get me wrong. There’s a difference between leaving a thoughtful comment about my post with a request to drop by your blog, and simply dropping a link to your posts in the comments. Earlier, I used to call out many of them but now I have decided to go ahead and delete such comments. They don’t deserve to be there. Call me out if I’m wrong. The comments section is all yours.

  • The follow for follow culture:

This December, I will reach my six-year milestone in the blogosphere. And I have come across a lot of people who simply follow multiple blogs in a single day just for the purpose of gaining followers. I try to check back on almost everybody who follows me. But recently, time constraints have kept me from doing so. But I think that bombarding any blog with huge number of “likes” and a follow just for the sake of getting a “follow back” is too insincere. If you genuinely like a blog, you should follow it. There shouldn’t be any ulterior motive!

  • Leaving insensitive and absolutely random feedback:

I get it, the joke’s on me. My blog is called “My Random Ramblings” after all. But that does not mean that random comments that are not related to my post in any way are welcome. But Akismet does a lovely job of catching many such comments. Here’s a sample comment that I had received for my post – tiny tale #74: A Sight to Behold.

“Next time I read a blog, I hope that it does not disappoint me as much as this particular one. After all, I know it was my choice to read through, nonetheless I genuinely thought you would have something helpful to talk about. All I hear is a bunch of moaning about something that you could possibly fix if you weren’t too busy seeking attention.”

I don’t think that tiny tale deserved such a comment. It was well received by everyone other than this particular person. And no, it was not a proxy or a bot that goes on publishing spam comments. This was written by an actual blogger! Feel free to read the story and correct me if I am wrong when I say that this comment was totally random.

But that being said, constructive criticism is always welcome. And many bloggers have been kind enough to offer that and I have always welcomed it. But the above comment does not fall under that category.

  • If you don’t want to read, say that. Don’t come up with lame excuses:

Feedback has a lot of effect on my ability to write. There was a phase when I had all but given up on blogging. There was a time when I used to bug my friends till they read my posts. That stopped when I had a few bad experiences. Some people, who were close to me and knew me really well led me to believe that my tiny tales were worthless. They didn’t believe that a story could be compressed and told in so few words. Some didn’t understand the concept of my six word stories. Some thought that the stories ended by the time they got interesting. Further more, one person even told me that the beautiful comments left by my fellow bloggers was only meant for formality as “those bloggers” didn’t feel like breaking the truth to me. What truth? You may ask. This person told me that my tiny tales were not really up to the mark. Was this person a writer? No, no. Definitely not. But I chose to believe their hurtful words and I stopped writing tiny tales for a long while. The fact that such a comment came from some of my friends made it even more hurtful. I should have heeded the words of my fellow bloggers but the hurtful comments had all my attention. They eclipsed everything else. I simply lacked the confidence to write flash fiction. The ones who love my blog will keep reading. The ones who have other priorities never will. It took me a long while to get over those hurtful comments. And I don’t want to go through it ever again. So I took the decision to not send out personal links to anyone anymore.

Sidenote: I would like to give a shout-out to a favourite blogger of mine to help me see the fact that my tiny tales aren’t that bad after all. Thank you, Pranitha Menon chechi for your love and support when I needed it the most. I will never forget all that you have done for me. Also, a huge thank you to all my readers and fellow bloggers for always encouraging me, for lifting up my spirits when I am feeling low. You guys are the best

Okay, the next one isn’t as huge as the others, but still that can’t be totally ignored either.

  • Getting my name wrong 😦

If I had a dollar (or even a penny!) for every time someone had got my name wrong, I would be a very rich girl. As someone who has faced a lot of bullying/teasing/annoying comments over the spelling of my name, it’s difficult when all those feelings surface again after so many years. Yes, my name is spelled S-H-W-E-T-A. It’s not Swetha, Sweta, Swatha, Sweda, Swathi, Shreya, Shruti, Shewta or Shaeta. I am someone who strongly believes that a name is a critical part of someone’s identity. Forget about spelling, I have no words for people who change my name altogether! Just because someone thinks my name should be spelled in some way doesn’t mean that should be the case. Yes, I know it happens by accident at times but every time this happens a tiny sword permanently lodged in my heart takes a slow painful turn. But then again, they haven’t gone through all the experiences that I have had. So I guess they will never understand where I am coming from. So these days, I smile on the outside and let it go with a fake laugh. Any attempt to correct them would only end in a lecture with why they think my spelling is “wrong”. And I am sick and tired of hearing the same dialogue. And I am eternally grateful to anyone and everyone who puts in an effort to spell my name correctly.

I guess I have bored you enough for the day. If you are still with me, thank you for putting up with me. 🙂

Image courtesy: Giphy

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© 2020 Shweta Suresh. All rights reserved.

118 thoughts on “Spam, insensitive comments and other annoying stuff

  1. Shweta, first of all I love your name. As far as spelling goes I don’t think anything can beat the way my son spelled my first granddaughters name — Faleasha. I suppose he spelled it phonetically but really!

    I love your rants here. I think this is the first time I’ve commented and admit that most of the time when I post something (and they are few and far between now) I only check posts from old friends, and they are also few and far between now. Since I rant occasionally I just had to read this one and can only say “KUDOS”, my friend. Well said and a good reminder that I have to check my own spam folder and do some house cleaning of my own.

    One sad truth I’ve learned in my long years on this planet is to ignore the bad remarks! It’s difficult to do since I have a tendency to respond with some ranting to each one but I learn something new every day and at 77 + years of age look forward to learning something new each day. Now I’m going to my spam folder and do some cleaning. Keep up the ranting. It gives you an outlet and gives us the chance to see that we are not alone, and as for me, it also gives a chuckle or two. I really love this post!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thank you so much for your kind comment. And I’m so glad that you spelled my name correctly! Faleasha – that’s a great name but I hope the poor girl doesn’t have to go through all that I have faced all through my school, college and even at work!

      Thank you so much for taking the time to read this rant. This has been bubbling up inside me for a long time and I just had to get it out. Writing is the way I process the toughest of emotions. Yes, this is the first time you have commented here as far as I can remember. And I’m glad that you reached out to me. I hope this motivates you to rescue many comments from spam.

      Ah, yes. At 25, I cannot say that I’ve had as much experiences as you have had. But yes, I’ve come to the realisation that it’s best to ignore the negativity and focus on the positivity. I’m glad that you enjoyed this post. I’ll keep ranting, occassionally. 😉
      Thanks a lot for your thoughtful comment. ❤️

      Liked by 1 person

      1. You are so welcome. And yes, this is the first time I’ve commented here, mainly due to not finding you easily in my reader. Today you were the first one on the list and now I can see that I’ve missed a lot by not scrolling down more than a few posts.
        I know well how it can build up inside until you finally get it all out so please do continue to rant and rave as much as necessary to keep your brain from exploding. I’ll be checking back on you! ❤

        Liked by 1 person

      2. I’m so glad that you came across my post. Sorry for my delayed response. Bottling up emotions is not very healthy at all. Thanks a lot for dropping by. I hope you have a great day ☺️


  2. I will add another one, I have had people who comment and say that the they love my blog and have bookmarked it. Well, if they like it so much, why can’t they follow it? :/

    Liked by 5 people

    1. Oh, Masum. I’m sorry that you had to go through it too. Some people are just vicious! Hang in there. Don’t let those snarky comments get to you. Sorry for my extremely late reply.


  3. Thanks for the reminder to check my SPAM more often. And you didn’t mention all the people who have a product of some sort, like bloggers who Like and Follow so you’ll know about their editing, real estate,lawn care, or fashion designs company and other services I won’t name. 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Haha, Christine. I’m glad that you’ve checked your spam folder. There might be a lot of comments waiting to be rescued. I’ve saved that part for the next rant post 🤣 Thanks for reading and sorry for my late response.

      Liked by 1 person

  4. I can relate to most of the content except for the name part, svetah. A blogger even called me rude for not following her back, asked me to get off of the high horse and that my content isn’t that amusing anyway. Great, I don’t write for people.
    I occasionally get hilarious spam comments. There was some American Peace mission agent who wanted my help in sorting out issues in Syria. Can you believe that? I laughed my ass off.
    P.S. follow me. 🥺

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Whoa, Brat. I wonder who that blogger is! Clearly hers isn’t the popular opinion. I hate the follow for follow culture. Have I mentioned that earlier? And oh yes, I can believe that because lol, I get those too. Lengthy comments that are triple the length of my posts but they make no sense at all!
      P.S: thanks for reminding me to unfollow you. I’ve been meaning to do that for years 😛
      P.P.S: Sorry for my late response. But you know my motto, better late than never 🙈

      Liked by 1 person

  5. I often find random comments sat in Askimet, too. It’s very frustrating.
    I nodded my way through most of your rant, with a big “yes” at the mention of the ‘follow for follow’ brigade. This is a conversation I’ve had multiple times with my mum and fellow blogger, Millie Thom. I want people to be visiting my blog because they want to be doing so and because they enjoy my content. These are the only reasons why I visit and like and follow other blogs. If you’re doing it out of any reason than enjoyment, then there’s little point to it, in my opinion, and there’s a severe lack of sincerity in the interaction.
    And, Shweta, your name is lovely and it is yours, and nobody has the right to say how it should be spelled other than you.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Blogging has its ups and downs. And you’ve got a very valid point. We have got to enjoy it. Otherwise, it’s pointless and insincere. I totally agree with you on this. I have noticed many bloggers who drop by different blogs and comment something along the lines of “You’ve for a very nice blog” or something like that. And they may be expecting a follow back!
      Thank you so much, Louise. Sorry for my late response 😬


  6. I can relate to this post.  First, the name thing.  My granddaughter is named Sterlie Abeni and invariably people call her Sterile, even teachers!  I checked out my spam and found your comments plus others in there and corrected it.  Also I forget to check it often.  This time I found a huge pages long repeating foul disgusting comment.  I blacklisted the sender.  The pain is having to put each word in their title separately into the list of words you are blacklisting.  But it does work. All in all WP/Akismet does a good job of filtering spam.

    Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Oh, poor baby Sterlie. I can feel her pain. Oh yes, I had a feeling that many of my comments ended up in spam. I’m glad you rescued them. Blacklist can be a pain but it’s very effective. Akismet does an almost decent job too. Thank you for sharing and I’m sorry for my late response 😬


  7. I almost forgot!  You have a good blog and thanks for hosting prompts.  Do your own thing and let those comments go.  I receive criticism and if it is rude, I block or do not follow.  It’s not worth your time to read their thoughts so rudely expressed.

    Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android

    Liked by 2 people

  8. I can go on here, but you have summed up well enough of how frustrating some of the experinces here are. Currently, I am going through the ‘almost gave up on blogging phase’ hence my long absence every time but I cannot resonate with you less. Over the last r years I have had every kind of experience, somehow I am still here. Also, I’d be a millionaire for my wrong names too.
    All my love to you and your random ramblings.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. I know there are phases where we feel as if we can’t write anymore. We feel as if nothing we write is good enough. But this too shall pass. I’ve been there too. I hope this dark cloud passes soon. But know that there are a lot of people rooting for you. Thank you, dear and do keep writing whenever you feel you’re up to it.


  9. Hehe… 1st of all you don’t have to feel sorry. I know that feeling, I didn’t believe in myself too when someone told me to stop writing on social media coz of copyright etc. I didn’t find a way out and I stopped writing completely. Also, I agree with the fact that the people who aren’t writers themselves don’t understand shit about how much effort we put in. I initially used to share every link with my friends but, I gradually dropped coz you can’t force people to read even though how strong the friendship is.

    They are not readers and even if they’re happy for us, it makes no sense to us if they don’t read and share what they felt. So I put an end to it.

    Your follow for follow section reminded me of one of my posts – The follow unfollow trend. Not sure if you’ve read that (I hope you don’t take it as a promotion coz it’s not😊).

    I’ll be honest with you, I followed you coz I liked the whole six word prompts that you do weekly but, yeah I was never able to participate in it until recently.

    Thank you for speaking it out. I hope the message is clear to people who do it.

    Sorry for such a lengthy comment. I just couldn’t hold myself back. Take care.🤗

    P.S – I tried looking for the comment you spoke about but, couldn’t get it.🤔

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Oh, BG. I’m so glad that you didn’t hold yourself back. Sometimes just have to be said. It’s better to get them out here in the open than bottle it up inside of us. Sorry for my late response and thanks a lot for pitching in with your thoughts.
      P.S: well, that’s because I deleted that comment 😉


  10. Hahaha! Dear Shweta – Got that out of your chest dear? Until you do you won’t be able to get any creative writing done, take it from me! Been there too you know….. Actually I stopped asking my friends to read my posts long back – nobody’s really interested. The ones who are will come back!
    Tell ’em to go take a jump and carry on rambling!!! 🙂 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Oh yes, I’ve learnt that the hard way. And that’s exactly why I wrote the rant post first. 😂 There’s no point forcing people to read. If they like it, they’ll definitely read it. And oh yes, I’ll keep on rambling. It happens to be one of my favourite pastimes. Thank you so much for your kind words. 😃

      Liked by 1 person

  11. True Shweta. I agree with whatever you have written. You are a great writer, and have my support always❤❤💖 People will be people. Try not to let their stupid acts affect you🌹✨
    Sending lots of love and hugs🌺❤

    Liked by 2 people

  12. You know, Shweta, I love reading rants 😛. Also yes, I took special care to make sure I spelt your name right. I remember misspelling your name myself in one of the comments. I recently got in an argument with a friend for misspelling someone’s name, where I was of the notion that it didn’t matter how I spelt it because it’s just a name. People rarely get my spelling right too and I would shrug it off. I understand now that different people see it differently, and I think I should apologise for the argument I had with my friend.
    Also, about the comments we receive for our writing, again, it depends on what interests people. I have very close friends who never feel interested enough to read my blog unless I wrote about them. And then I have others who text me after reading some of my posts about how it moved them. After all, even the greatest of writers are not enjoyed by everyone. So, as long as we can make a difference to at least some people out there, it’s great. Even if we don’t, if we’re writing for ourselves, only our satisfaction that comes out of it matters. Gosh, I’ve ranted here now. Anyway, more power to you ❤️

    Liked by 3 people

    1. I loved your rant. And I’m glad that I was able to make you understand a lesser known aspect about names. 😉
      You’re right. In the end, we write because that’s who we are. We write because we love to write. And nothing should come in between that. That’s a very valid point. Thank you, Dashy. Your wisdom blows my mind as always ❤️


  13. I’ve come across comments of all types. I delete most of them and the rest go in spam folder by themselves. As for negative comments, have confidence in Your own ability and ignore them. You have a talent for writing stories so keep on writing. 👍👍👍

    Liked by 3 people

  14. I couldn’t agree more with what all you said.
    It is important for people to understand the importance of keeping this platform a positive place for writers to express their views/ideas and explore other bloggers’ work.
    I think it’s great that you’ve written about this.

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Yes, this is the internet. But that does not give anyone the right to be a faceless bully. Ignoring them is the best way to deal with them, but that doesn’t mean that they can go on insulting people as much as they want. So I chose to call them out.


  15. I am still new here on blogging but has few experiences you mentioned, and it really saddens me up
    I agree with you totally
    For negative comments, don’t believe them, you are excellent and I am not saying it for formality or anything, I really mean it, before that, i would not even think, story in 6 words and if I say this also inspired me to write story, it is also truth, I always run from writting stories as i think i am good in story writing but people here gave me confidence
    And that’s name part, I can relate 😅😅
    Take care dear 💙💙

    Liked by 1 person

    1. You’re an absolute champion when it comes to six word stories and I’m glad to be the reason behind that. But I can’t take credit for your raw talent. That’s all you!
      Thank you for all your love and support ❤️

      Liked by 1 person

  16. 2 things I wanted to say here after reading this, the name thing, it happens to me all the time for me. It is either Sunil, Sujith, Sumith, Samantha, Sunitha haha the list goes on and I don’t care to correct. Yes Pranitha has been a great inspiration as a devoted reader of my posts as well.

    Liked by 1 person

  17. Newbie at WordPress but I get what you say. Insensitive comments are totally unnecessary !!! I love reading your posts .. they are creative , simple and can make out its from the heart. ❤️
    About the name , that’s one thing I try my best to type correctly always .. though I miss sometimes .. but it’s ones identity and must not be twisted around ! Can totally relate to what you have written
    Good that you vented out , and looks it’s all moved to the Trash in your brain 😊keep writing , we wait for your posts 😊❤️❤️

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I hope that you never have to face the rough tides when it comes to blogging. And thank you so much for your kind words. I’m happy that I vented out too. I will keep writing. Thanks a lot for your support, HS ❤️

      Liked by 1 person

  18. I could feel the anger building in me too for those who disappointed you. Though have not gone through such harsh phase, I can relate. As bloggers, we know how much effort and strain goes into each blog we create. We expect to hear true comments and encouragements and genuine criticisms. And we are brave enough to accept them . But when it comes to outside the “blogosphere”, there is no point in expecting much. Like you, I used to post in my Facebook and Insta account the poems and write ups. But “my friends” never read them. But the case was different when we shared an interesting photo or a meme !! Our efforts are not given even that value . So I stopped this totally. I do not share anywhere except WordPress now. It gives some peace of mind 🙂

    And Shweta.. I will be frank. I followed you after reading your short fictions and short stories. i have always appreciated how you could weave stories from thin air. I have always loved your narratives and love your new venture – poems 😛 I try to take part in the Six word Challenge too. So you just continue writing and we will continue supporting you 🙂 ❤

    Liked by 4 people

    1. That’s so true. Memes get so much attention. These days, I put up my links as my WhatsApp status and I post them to Twitter. Twitter is much better than Facebook. The community is a bit more receptive. And you’re right, it does give peace of mind.
      I’m so happy that you followed me because of my flash fiction pieces. They have a special place in my heart. Haha, I’m not that confident when it comes to poems. So I’m so glad that you loved them. And I love your six worders. Do keep participating and thank you so much for all your love and support ❤️

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Yes Shweta… first impression I had while reading your stories was that.. “wow.. how could she write such stories “!! Am being true here.. nothing fake 🙂

        Thank you dear !! 🙂 ❤

        Liked by 1 person

  19. Being new to WP, I guess there is going to be a lot of ups and downs ahead. If you do have a good lot of people to support you and you know what you write, all such negative comments should be worthless. I have seen you always smiling & positive through all your posts. Let that smile remain forever & keep writing. Bloggers like you inspire a lot! 😇

    Liked by 2 people

    1. It’s a part and parcel of blogging but still I hope that won’t come across that. Thank you for your kind words, Reshmi. I’m so happy to know that I’m a source of inspiration. Your comment made my day ☺️

      Liked by 1 person

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