tiny tale #81: The long wait…

Somewhere in a part of the world where the novel coronavirus was spreading like wildfire and humanity was still unsure about how to contain the spread, there was a girl called Anu who was anxiously counting down days until the eventful day.
Though the cases kept increasing, the ones in power did absolutely nothing in their power (and otherwise) to efficiently manage the situation.
Even as the corona situation worsened, Anu somehow managed to keep her hopes up. At last, her long wait came to an end.
She could finally open her long-awaited package.
It had crossed the quarantine period!

(100 words)

These days, all the packages that I receive undergo a mandatory “quarantine period” of a minimum of 5-6 days. Call me paranoid but I would rather err on the side of caution. You can’t be too careful, especially with the rate at which things are going! Wherever you are, I hope you are safe and well. Take care.

This post was written in response to the Friday Fictioneers prompt. The Friday Fictioneers prompt is hosted by Rochelle Wisoff. The challenge is to weave a story in 100 words using the given photo prompt. Click on the links to read entries by my fellow bloggers and to know more about these challenges.

Click here to read my tiny tales.

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Image courtesy:  Jean L. Hays

© 2020 Shweta Suresh. All rights reserved



36 thoughts on “tiny tale #81: The long wait…

  1. How a pandemic changed our perception of even the tiniest of matters….I hope things get better….
    As for your writing and the story you weaved, I feel, it is 👍👍… Awaiting more of your stories 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

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