One-liner Wednesdays #31



The one thing that we desperately need when we are trying to coax a scooter into the center stand, knead the atta to make chapathi, try to open a glass jar, or even when we are breaking a coconut* and the most important weapon in our immune system’s arsenal in its fight against COVID-19!

*In Hindu culture, breaking a coconut as an offering to Lord Ganesha is supposed to remove all the obstacles. But more about that later. 😉

Forgive me, I couldn’t resist from including that reference to COVID-19.

This post was written in response to today’s One-Liner Wednesday challenge from Linda G. Hill. The challenge, as the name implies is to come up with a one-liner. Please click on the link to know more about the rules of this challenge and/or to read the other entries by my fellow bloggers.

Wherever you are, I hope you are safe and well. Take care.

Image courtesy: Laura @

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57 thoughts on “One-liner Wednesdays #31

    1. I have found a neat trick thanks to one of my posts. You have to take a spoon and put it between the jar and the lid. Press it upwards, in a motion to lift the lid until you hear a slight pop sound. The vaccum would be destroyed by then. You can easily open it afterwards.


    1. Haha. I know, right. I offer a silent prayer each time. But of late, I’ve become more of an expert. You know us, malayalis. We can’t live without coconut. It’s an important ingredient in most of our curries. 😂
      There’s also one more tradition of breaking coconuts in Ganesha temples. My experiences with that one are rather hilarious. 😂

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Oh. Do you use coconut oil too?
        Haha. When I was at home, I never dared to do it. Then when I moved to Bangalore, necessity made me learn. There was no other way. 😂
        It was a struggle at first. It took me a long time to break it open because I used weak hits with the knife. I was too scared to raise it high and strike. But gradually, I gained more confidence. And now it doesn’t intimidate me much. You’ll get there too… One day, some day. 😉

        Liked by 1 person

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