six word story #89

Her success silenced her worst critics.

This post was written in response to my own Saturday Six Word Story Prompt (6WSP) #54: Success. Click on the link to read entries from my fellow bloggers.

Click here to know more about this challenge.

Please click here to read the six word stories that I’ve previously published on this blog.

Image courtesy: Sushant Suresh

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© 2020 Shweta Suresh. All rights reserved.



50 thoughts on “six word story #89

      1. Heya Shwetaa!
        I need your lil help.
        Actually I have installed WP app again but there my reader section is empty and it says that I haven’t followed any sites. When I click on any comment that I have received on someone else’s site, it says..unable to retrieve this post.
        But on the browser my site is working fine.
        Do you have any idea how to fix that thing right in the app??🤕🤕

        Liked by 2 people

      2. 😂😂😂
        Yeah! I did.
        But I am facing that…unable to retrieve this post ..still but with some sites.
        Like yours I can access easily and some other needs a bit of hardwork.😬😅

        Liked by 1 person

      3. Oh, I have no idea why that’s so. I’ve never faced any similar issues 😅
        Some sites may not be mobile friendly. But then again, if a lot of sites are having that issue, it must be a problem with the app.

        Liked by 1 person

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