tiny tale #86: Kaleidoscope

At times, life made her feel like a blind kid trying to imagine the supposedly colourful views a kaleidoscope offered.

(20 words)

Life can be confusing at times. There are a lot of highs and lows, and a lot of sharp bends that we never see coming.

Also, we can never truly appreciate the value of something until we lose it forever or come dangerously close to losing it forever. We might take so many things for granted, but many others might count those same things as a luxury. 😦

For some reason, this was the first 20-word story that crept into my mind. I hope that you liked this one.

This post was written in response to the Twenty-Word Tuesday: Week 6 prompt. Thank you, Bulbul for hosting this challenge. The challenge is to weave a tale in exactly 20 words based on the given word prompt. The prompt for this week was “Kaleidoscope”. Click on the image to know more about the challenge and read entries by my fellow bloggers.

Image courtesy: Bulbul

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