Saturday Six Word Story Prompt (6WSP) #81 – The Roundup Post

Sorry for the delay in the roundup. I was feeling particularly lazy this week! 😅

The prompt for the Saturday Six Word Story (6WSP) #81 was: Mistake.

Here’s the roundup post for 6WSP #81:

By Jen Goldie at J.E.Goldie: You’re assumption was my first mistake.

By Elle at Poetic Thoughts: Mistakes happen easily, forgiveness is harder.

By Joelle: Three times divorced, same mistakes made.

By Grace: Oftentimes, mistakes are the greatest teachers.

By Sadje at Keep it alive: Trusting you was my big mistake.

By Fandango at This, That and The Other: Seeing you again was a mistake.

By poorvi kumar: falling for you- my biggest mistake…

By Marla at Marla’s World: My mistake was to require better.

By Dee Min at Poems & More: Love mistaken is hurt in waiting.

By Dakshali Gupta at Poetrylance: Mistakes aren’t irreversible in real life.

By Di at pensitivity101: Divorce is a mistake being rectified.

By #the novel reader: three times attempted same mistake done.

By Lauren: Learn from your mistakes, don’t repeat.

By Punam: Of course! It’s always my mistake! 😏🙄

By Jeff: Mistakes happen, adjust, and try again.

By Jeni at crumpled piece of paper: You are that favourite mistake I repeat.

By Susi Bocks at I Write Her: You really were my biggest mistake.

By Aashi D Parekh at Falling upwards: Speeding on highway: his last mistake.

By Cindy Georgakas: A wonderful wedding… no mistake there (I loved this dedication, Cindy ❤)

By chellebee53 at My Vivid Blog: Interred in wrong plot…. grave mistake!

By Pooja G: “My daughter? More like a mistake.”

By Samreen Asad: Why is it always my mistake?? 😅😜

By Raksha: Have low expectations and high acceptation.

By Autistic Panda: My biggest mistake was trusting you.

By Midnightmusings: Mistake is a seven letter word.

By Keith at Keith’s Ramblings: Miss took my phone. Big mistake!

By Angie Trafford at AngieTrafford: She whispered the words “I do”.

By Oneta Hayes at Sweet aroma: In you, God made no mistake.

By Tien Skye at FROM THE WINDOW SEAT: Turning mistakes into lessons, he grows.

By Unknown: We aren’t humans without making mistakes…

By Janani at As a Girl thinketh….: Every tripping stone made a step.

By Tayyaba Khan Qadri at Tayyaba the Blogger: “It’s my fault”; At her grave.

By Vignesh S Raj at World Of Words:

Past mistakes
Present ponders
Future shines

By Anish Nair at The Poetic Prism: If only we could rectify mistakes!

By Sam Sahana at Diary Of a Reformer: He kissed his girlfriend’s twin sister.

By Usha at RAMBLINGSWITHUSHA: Mistakes are stepping stones to success.

By Sheena at Leaking Ink: Some mistakes are destiny changing course.

By Julie at writingiswonderful: Her mistakes taught her so much.

By Kritika at Valorous Bird: Always a pleasure to make one.

By Hemalatha Ramesh at Frameofsoul: Ma’am, she just makes silly mistakes.

By HappySoul at Live Love Laugh Learn: “Didn’t proceed with start-up, fearing failure“

And last but not the least, from the host (Yes, that’s me!)

By Shweta Suresh at My Random Ramblings: She made mistakes. Never repeated them.

A lot of care has been taken to ensure that all the responses to the prompt have been included in this roundup post. However, if I have accidentally missed out on any of your stories in this roundup even after you have left a comment/pingback, I am extremely sorry. Don’t be disappointed. Do let me know through the comments and I’ll add it to the roundup straightaway.

This week’s 6WSP is up. Click here to see the 6WSP #82 post.

If you are new here, click here to know all about 6WSP.

Click here to read the previous prompts and roundup posts.

Image courtesy: Sushant Suresh

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© 2021 Shweta Suresh. All rights reserved.

64 thoughts on “Saturday Six Word Story Prompt (6WSP) #81 – The Roundup Post

  1. Wow! These are all so unique and amazing, I can’t possibly pick a favorite! It’s always neat to see all the different perspectives! Thank you, Shweta for creating such an awesome community here 🖤🤗

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Mistakes brought a lot of knowledge and fun as well, this time!
    Enjoyed reading everyone’s take. Each ‘mistakes made for an interesting read.

    Liked by 1 person

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