six word story #110

"Stop. It's hurting", begged the patient. This post was written in response to my own Saturday Six Word Story Prompt (6WSP) #80: Beg. Click on the link to read entries from my fellow bloggers. This story can be interpreted as a plea from a terminal patient or someone who is scared of injections or even … Continue reading six word story #110

#AtoZChallenge: Consequences (tiny tale #10)

The leaves rustled against the window pane. A chill ran down her spine. Her fears kept her awake, Unable to be lulled into sleep Each time she was lured in by sleep, She woke up with a start. Watching horror came with nightly consequences. Author’s Note:  This is more like a confession actually: I avoid … Continue reading #AtoZChallenge: Consequences (tiny tale #10)