Twenty years of Harry Potter Magic!

On this day, exactly twenty years ago, Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone hit the book shelves, setting up the foundation for a magical, literary phenomena spread over several books (you can’t forget the spinoffs!) and multi-million dollar movie franchise. It’s been twenty years since wizards, witches, and Muggles became mainstream!

It’s been twenty years (two decades!!!!) since the Harry Potter books were published. Twenty years since the Boy Who Lived stole hearts all over the world. I hope that this series continues to entertain several more generations. Twenty years! It’s so hard to believe. But twenty years or what, these books still haven’t lost their charm. I don’t think they ever will… because this is one such book series that will steal your hearts and hold them captive forever. And the best part is that you’ll love every bit of this captivity!

I was introduced to Hogwarts and this magical series when I was seven years old. Ever since I first read Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone (Philosopher’s Stone, to some of you), I had been branded for life. And now at 22, I’ve spent most of my life (15 long years!) obsessing over this series. I’ve been a Potterhead for so long, that I can be safely classified as a Harry Potter nerd.

It made me realize that reading was fun and also that there were books that I could actually read and understand! Every year, during my summer vacations I used to re-read all the books in the series. (read: the ones that had been published till date) That should explain why I’m so obsessed with Harry Potter even today. 😀 It wasn’t the first book that I read but it was the first to occupy a place in my heart. As a child, this was one book series that I could connect to and the movie franchise further fuelled my obsession.

I had been totally obsessed with the books, the movie series it had spawned, and in short, anything and everything, that was even remotely related to Harry Potter. Needless to say, I own all seven books and they are the most battered books in my collection; made worse for wear, by the countless times I’ve read them, over and over again.

So obsessed had I been, that I had even gone to the trouble of making a scrapbook of sorts, and filled it completely with almost every “Harry Potter” newspaper cuttings, that I could lay my hands on. I would carefully cut-out any article that appeared in the newspaper that was even remotely connected to Harry Potter. As a 90’s kid, I didn’t have constant access to the internet those days and so I treasured (read hoarded) those newspaper cut-outs. 😀 My scrapbook contains all those meticulously sourced newspaper cut-outs, my own commentaries, and notes, a list of all the spells that have ever been cast at one point or other in the series, and much more. It is clearly one of my most treasured possessions. If I’d been living in London (or at the very least, had the means to get to London.) I’d have stood in line, waiting for hours on end, wearing a cloak, just to get a signed copy from J.K. Rowling.

So if you haven’t already read this amazing series, go ahead and pick up the first book. Please!

P.S: I love Pottermore. When I took the sorting test, I ended up in Hufflepuff. Any other fellow Hufflepuffs here?

P.P.S: Well… Okay then, I’m off to start a marathon God-knows-what-number-it-is-“re-reading”-session of Harry Potter. I just had to write a post to record this moment! (The things you tend to do when you’re a self-confessed Potterhead!) 😀

“After all this time?”


© 2017 Shweta Suresh. All rights reserved.

138 thoughts on “Twenty years of Harry Potter Magic!

  1. first of all thanks for telling your age :))))))),because i am also of same age.thanks for making us go agin through all those magic schools,whenever schools are opened i always imagined to study in hogwards. Instead of NIT and IIT .if ther is Hogwarts entrance,i would have worked hard 24 hours to clear the test and study with emma watson: ;))))))))))))

    Liked by 3 people

    1. I remember about that while reading your post! That’s why I included it in my post. Yay! Hufflepuffs. 😀😀😀 Thank you so much, Angela. I wanted a place to hold all my treasured paper cuttings. And to note down various Potter related stuff. ❤😀😀😀

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  2. Hahahah you are indeed a great potter head! Well happy anniversary Shweta 😄😄😄. I had unfortunately never read the harry potter series (pls don’t shoot me), and only watched the deathly hallows part.

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    1. You got that right. I’m a huge Potterhead. 😁😁😁 Thank you, Ameena. Oh my God! gasps in surprise alright, alright I won’t shoot you. Don’t worry. 😉 Ohh dear Ameena, maybe one day you should give it a try. I can’t exactly guarantee that the series will mean so much to you as it means to many to us (but the odds are that you’ll end up loving this series!), but it’s well worth reading.


  3. Wow – 20 years! My boys grew up on Harry Potter too. My oldest son will be 30 this year and my youngest is 27. They feel like they grew along with him – especially the oldest. Was Harry about 10 in the first book? My son always felt like they were the same age. I can remember him impatiently waiting for the books to be released – so very far apart! They have both read them over and over and over. My oldest son has a baby daughter now, and he says he hopes it is something he can share with her.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Yes! It’s so hard to believe that it’s been twenty years. Ohh that’s so nice. I always find myself wishing that I was as old as the characters! But as the series continued, the characters become closer to my age. But it was a great feeling to grow up with those fictional characters. I felt like they were my close friends even though we were worlds apart! I guess when you’re really crazy about a book series, you almost wish that the characters were real! (I know I did. I was also a tad bit disappointed when my eleventh birthday didn’t bring me a letter from Hogwarts 😂😁 It was absolute madness but I love and cherish every part of it. 😍) Ohh yes, the wait for the next book to be released was the hardest part. That, and getting the book once it was released! 😁 Once you fall in love with this book series, it’s really hard to resist the temptation to re-read it over and over again! I can understand your son’s wish to share this with his daughter. If I had children, I’m pretty sure that I will do the same. Because this is a book series that anyone can relate to. It’s also the kind of book that’s so amazing that it makes you want to stop every person who comes across your way and make sure that they’ve read it… 😀 Thank you so much for reading and reaching out, Jodi. I’m so glad to know that this series was a huge part of your children’s lives too. 😊😊😊

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      1. Awh! So my 27 year old son who just got married in April finally got his letter from hogwarts about 2 years ago. You see his then girlfriend got it for him for his 25th birthday It was “lost in the mail” all these years. 😉. It was a darling and thoughtful gift he so cherishes. 😊❤️

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      2. Extremely sorry for the late reply. I had a lot going on and I was forced to take a break from the blogosphere. That is so sweet! Such a thoughtful gesture. That must have made his day. I know that I’d have cherished such a great gift for the rest of my life. Thanks for sharing, Jodi. 😊❤️


  4. I remember how I scrounged the back alleys of CP where fake editions were far more easily available than in bookstores…. I am guilty of not being able to wait n buy pirated editions.
    Reading at every given moment as I carried the books everywhere, regardless of the weight.and yes my copies are also the most battered ones in my book collection, held together by an assortment of brown, white, black tape (≧▽≦)hi five to another potter head!!!!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Ohhh because you just have to get your hands on the next book, by any means possible! ( And read the next installment before anyone can spoil it for you!) Ohh yes, the moment I can spare the money, I’d love to buy the new editions because my copies are so worn out, held together by an assortment of glue, brown and transparent tape. 🤐 I think every Potterhead will be guilty of that. It’s a testimony to the number of times we’ve sought refuge between the pages of these books. 😍 I’m so glad to be able to connect with another who clearly loves this series as much as I do. Thank for sharing, Shalini!

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  5. I love that many many times i have seen.some where it keep a lives that little girl in me who believe in fairy tales and magic.☺

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Yes, those movies certainly brought the magical world to life. But personally, I prefer the books over the movies. It sure does delight that little girl inside all of you. Thank you so much for stopping by and sharing your thoughts Shreyovi! And sincere apologies for the delayed response.

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    1. Happy anniversary, indeed. 😀 I’m glad to know that the excitement was contagious. ( Maybe, it’ll inspire you to read it? 😉😛 )

      I have a few friends who haven’t read this series, despite the fact that I was constant persuading (for want of a better word 😂) them to read the series. So no, you’re not alone. 😀

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  6. Wow has it been 20 years! Interestingly it was around the same time that I bought the first HP book for my son! And I too have lost count how many times I have read it. And it’s time to read it again – if only I had the time!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Ohh it’s a book series that’ll always remain close to our hearts. I’m so glad to know that you are a great fan of this series too! Yes, it’s hard to stay away for long without a marathon re-reading session!


    1. Exactly. I know! I’ll be forever grateful to J. K. Rowling. 💕 I’m a Hufflepuff according to Pottermore. I’m so glad that the series continues to live on even after all these years. Thank you so much for stopping by!

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Ohh yes. It’s the best and most read book series in my collection too. 😁 Hi5, Jainey!
      P.S I know for a fact that you’re way younger. 😛 But the fact that Harry Potter has turned twenty can make you feel a little old. 😂😂😂😂 But then again, age is just a number. 😉😂

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      1. Hey J! I hope you haven’t forgotten all about me. Sorry that I disappeared without the slightest indication. It’s been a busy month and now, I have the time to indulge in my favourite hobby again. 😀How have you been? It’s been a long while. Sorry for the extremely late response.


  7. Shweta, by any chance is J K Rowling getting even the slightest hint of your efforts in marketing her books, that too with so much passion, that might put hers to shame. I had your spirit those first years when it created waves, I would read and re-read. Now I see Sid running around with a broom in hand hiding a chop stick that would double as a wand. Enjoy my dear, re-read and enjoy!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Hey, Pranitha! I had to take a break but I’m back and the words have started flowing again. 😀 I’m so glad to get over the block. Ohhh, how I wish that she was aware of all my efforts. Having a chance to interact with her would be a dream come true. 😀 Oh yay, so happy to know that Sid is a fan too. This is one book series that you just can’t help but love! We might not get a letter from Hogwarts but we’ll always have the books to re-read. 😀


    1. Yay! You’re a Hufflepuff too. 😍 Time flies by so quickly. It’s hard to imagine that HP has been around for two decades! But we all know for a fact that this is one book series that won’t be forgotten any time soon. ❤😀😀😀

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    1. Ohhh thanks, my dear. 😂 It is a near religious fervour. Well put. 😂😂😂 I’m sure that my childlike enthusiasm will kick in the moment anyone mentions Harry Potter. 😀😀😀 Do me a favour and please think about introducing your daughter to this book series when she’s old enough. ❤😀

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      1. Hey Pradita,

        I know that I’ve been MIA for over a month now. I had a lot going on and as a result, the blog went through a period of inactivity. But I’m back now (for the time being, at least) When the time’s right, do introduce her to the magical world of HP. I’m sure that she’ll fall in love with this book series as we did. 😀


  8. Wow, twenty years, Here’s to many more!! As a kid, when my uncle got the books for me(one by one), it’s ironic that I was reluctant to read them. I believed I would only like Enid Blyton’s books, but how wrong I was. Once I started to read the HP series, never did I want to put them down. Re-reading has only made my bond with the HP series stronger. How I wished, I would receive the letter someday.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Apologies for the extremely delayed response. I know! It’s hard to believe that it’s been twenty years! Initially, I was a bit wary of the book too but once I started reading, I was gripped. I feel exactly the same. HP is the only book series that I’ve read and re-read to such an extent that I would ace any quiz set on it. 😀 I think almost everyone in our generation would love to receive that letter. 😀


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