tiny tale #87: The rediscovery

Staying at home had kept Chaya very much healthy and safe from the grip of the pandemic, but she struggled to find an outlet for all her pent-up energy. Her mind was plagued with boredom, laziness, frustration, and so many other emotions that it was hard for her to identify. She desperately wished to do something… anything that would make her feel more happy and content. And that’s when she got herself reacquainted with an old hobby – painting.

She splashed the colours around, blended them on a whim, made random strokes, and painted almost every single sheet of paper that she could get her hands on. Though her paintings didn’t make much sense to her roommate, Chaya wasn’t bothered. For the first time in a long while, she was truly happy. And she realised – that was all that mattered.

This post was written in response to Sadje’s What Do You See #47 prompt. Thank you, Sadje for hosting this challenge. The challenge is to use the picture prompt as inspiration to compose an original story, poem, or a caption.

For the visually challenged readers, the image shows an incomplete watercolor on the open pages of a notebook. There are tubes of colors next to it and some painting paraphernalia.

Click here to read all my other tiny tales. 🙂

Image courtesy: Elena Mozhvilo- Unsplash

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© 2020 Shweta Suresh. All rights reserved.

44 thoughts on “tiny tale #87: The rediscovery

  1. No wrong in that. I started back drawing, reading books, completed statistics course, learned few new recipes and started singing – all during this pandemic time. Anything to kill boredom and make us happy. Btw, listening to calm music at the end if the day really made a difference.


  2. I cant imagine being bored at home. Maybe if a person didn’t have a yard, a sewing machine, a computer, writing pads, books… I’m glad you character found such an enjoyable hobby. Something I hope to do someday if I can find the time. 🙂

    On Fri, Sep 18, 2020, 12:20 PM My Random Ramblings, wrote:

    > Shweta Suresh posted: ” Staying at home had kept Chaya very much healthy > and safe from the grip of the pandemic, but she struggled to find an outlet > for all her pent-up energy. Her mind was plagued with boredom, laziness, > frustration, and so many other emotions that it was hard” >

    Liked by 1 person

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