Home – A Haiku

Memories of home 
Break my heart and make me weep
a long way from home

This post was written in response to the Ronovan Writes Weekly Haiku Poetry Prompt Challenge 361. The words for this week are home and weep. The challenge is to write a Haiku using the two words. Click on the link to know more about this challenge and to read the entries by my fellow bloggers. Thank you, Ronovan for hosting this challenge. 🙂

I have experimenting a lot with poetry of late. Poetry! It’s something that I never thought I could pull off effortlessly. Poems don’t come to me as effortlessly as stories but I think I am improving. This is my first successful attempt at a Haiku. I had tried many times but more often than not, I ended up changing it into a normal poem because I exceeded the prescribed syllable count.

Image courtesy: Ronovan

Click here to read all my other poems. 🙂

Stay safe.

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© 2021 Shweta Suresh. All rights reserved.

143 thoughts on “Home – A Haiku

  1. From this poem alone, I could definitely tell that you’re improving and I think that it’s something that you should try more. Poems are my favourite kind of writing and they are how I express myself. I’ve performed numerous spoken word poems in front of large audiences that have moved people to tears. It’s my passion.

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Aww. Thanks a lot, Simone. I’m happy to hear that. Of course, now that I’ve finally cracked it, I’m going to keep trying.
      Wow, that’s amazing! Great job, Simone. So proud of you. Do keep writing.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Modern haiku is not the same as the traditional Japanese haiku, I guess. You may go over the syllable count of 5/7/5, I suppose. This one was very sentimental and lovely. Resonated with me.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Oh yes. I had heard about that. But I wanted to write one with the syllable count of 5/7/5 if only for the reason that it was such a struggle for me. I’ll check that out. Thank you so much. 😀


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