Dark and light

Darkness looms closer and threatens 
threatens to pull me under
under its thick veil
veil of suffering and misery
misery that seems to go on
on and on, until light breaks
breaks and shines bright
bright enough to end
end the last traces
traces of the darkness wiped
wiped away by the light
the light that radiates and shines
shines and breaks through
through the heavy veil
veil that slowly dissolves
dissolves as it gives way to the light
light that transforms everything
everything in its path
path to better times
times when hope is not in short supply!

This poem was written in response to Sadje’s What Do You See prompt #91 and the Saturday Mix – Lucky Dip hosted at Mindlovemisery’s Menagerie. Sadje’s What Do You See challenge is to use the picture prompt as inspiration to compose an original story, poem, or a caption. The Lucky Dip – Saturday Mix for this week is to write a loop poem on a topic of our choice. Thank you, Sadje and weejars for hosting these challenges.

In case you are wondering what a loop poem is, here is the definition by Shadow Poetry
Loop Poetry is a poetry form created by Hellon. There are no restrictions on the number of stanzas nor on the syllable count for each line. In each stanza, the last word of the first line becomes the first word of line two, last word of line 2 becomes the first word of line 3, last word of line 3 becomes the first word of line 4. This is followed for each stanza. There is an optional rhyme scheme of abcb.

Combining the two prompts was challenging. I hope I was able to do justice to both the prompts. Recently, I seem to be obsessed with the theme of light chasing away the darkness. I only hope that these dark pandemic times would come to an end. Soon!

For the visually challenged reader, the image shows a bust of a man. A dark thick liquid is being poured on it.

Image courtesy: Hataлbя Kлehoba – Unsplash

Click here to read all my other poems. 🙂

Stay safe.

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© 2021 Shweta Suresh. All rights reserved.

128 thoughts on “Dark and light

  1. How beuatus this transition 🥺❤ really loved it. A lover of happy endings, I love all posts that show light conquering the dark. It really makes my heart happy. Thank you for the beautiful piece, Shweta ❤

    Liked by 1 person

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