Not a regular pirate!

I'm a pirate 
sailing and plundering 
in the high seas of the alphabets 
I raid books and libraries 
I gobble up the tales that they hold 
I read them cover to cover 
as fast as my eyes can travel 
My quests and adventures exist 
between the covers 
The characters come alive as I read 
I join them in their adventures 
to partake in their joy, sadness and glory 
I'm no regular pirate 
I don't crave riches or gold 
Stories are the treasures I seek 
I don't sink ships or rob them 
I let myself drown, instead, 
in stories that are worth my time 
Libraries are my favourite haunt 
I'd never even think of shooting someone 
but then again, I guess 
I'll make an exception 
for the ones who mistreat books 
I don't wear any eye patches 
but I put up with my glasses 
to read and re-read my favourite tales 
I am not armed with pistols or daggers 
but my arms may be loaded with books 
No, I'm no regular pirate 
I'm just a bibliophile to the core 

Yes, I’m the book pirate. But don’t get me wrong! I don’t steal books or stories. I drink them in till I feel that the characters have become my best friends! I am a self-confessed bibliophile. What about you? Which is the best book you have read so far? Do let me know in the comments section.

This poem was written in response to Sadje’s What Do You See Challenge #95. The What Do You See challenge is to use the picture prompt as inspiration to compose an original story, poem, or a caption. Thank you, Sadje for hosting this challenge.

For the visually challenged reader, the image shows a pirate with treasure chest on one open page of a book and a ship on the other. Random alphabets are scattered in the space in between.

Image courtesy: Tumisu @ Pixabay

Click here to read all my other poems. 🙂

Stay safe.

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© 2021 Shweta Suresh. All rights reserved.

133 thoughts on “Not a regular pirate!

    1. Oh. I try my best to read at least one or two chapters every day. I’m currently reading Anne of Avonlea. I’ll definitely check out that book. Thanks for you kind words and for the recommendation, Jeff 😃


    1. I love the HP series too. I’m yet to read Tuesdays with Morrie. My father has read it and he liked that book too. Listing out favourite books is one of the hardest things for a bibliophile to do. I’m glad that you loved this poem. I’m even more happy that you can relate to it too. Thanks a lot, Ishita ❤️

      Liked by 1 person

    1. I am so happy to hear that, dear. I didn’t read much last year so I am making it uo for it this year. I am guilty of buying books and never reading them all too. But yes, you do get points. It’s hard to manage time indeed.

      Liked by 1 person

  1. great romping tale can imagine with a backpack and arms full off books slipping off to read them by torch under the bed covers! I’m a logophile, so guess that makes me a cousin 🙂

    I like too many books for very different reasons

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  2. More of a beachcomber than a pirate, I like reading around the world and in particular women in translation, an opportunity to access storytelling from another culture, another perspective.

    I recently finished and loved Loop by Mexican author Brenda Lozano and from the same publisher Charco Press, The Adventures of China Iron by Argentinian author Gabriela Cáabezón Cámara.

    One if the best I read earlier this year was The First Woman by Ugandan author Jennifer Nansubuga Makumbi.

    I’m currently reading one of my favourite authors Maryse Condé, a Guadeloupean author, Waiting for the Waters to Rise.

    One if my all time favourites was also written by a Guadeloupean author, an NYRB Classic The Bridge of Beyond by Simone Schwartz-Bart.

    Liked by 1 person

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