tiny tale #57: Grandma Agnes’ wheelchair!

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Life had stuck her in a wheelchair.
But Grandma Agnes didn’t let it hold her back!
Bake-sales, potlucks, garage sales, birthday bashes – you name it! She always made an appearance.
So, imagine her excitement when her grandson Ron gifted her a remote-controlled wheelchair.
She sped through the block in her new chair, thrilled to bits, much like a kid in a candy store.
Her sudden, horrified screams helped draw attention to her berserk wheelchair!
A few good Samaritans chased after her, determined to save her.
Little did they know, that they had fallen for one of her pranks again!

(100 words)

This post was written in response to the Friday Fictioneers photo prompt hosted by the lovely Rochelle. Click on the links to read other entries by my fellow bloggers.

The Friday Fictioneers challenge is to write a complete story – beginning, middle and end in 100 words or less, based on the given photo prompt. A huge thanks to Rochelle for hosting this challenge.

By the way, just to make sure you don’t miss out on any of my posts, do keep track of the #ShwetaWrites tag! 😄

Click here to read all my tiny tales.

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Image courtesy: Linda Kreger

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© 2019 Shweta Suresh. All rights reserved.

33 thoughts on “tiny tale #57: Grandma Agnes’ wheelchair!

  1. I love your tiny tales, every one of them, Shweta. This one is adorable, reminds me of the 70-year-young Aunty Blanch who often visits me. Sometimes age is just a number, because your barriers are in your mind only😀😀😀😀😀 super duper like, love this one and even glad I could open it from the link. 😍

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Ohh thanks for the constant support, chechi! ❤️
      Ohh glad you were able to relate to it on some level. 😉 Age is just a number. Ippo njan inghane parayunnu, vayassakumbol enthakumo entho. 😂
      Glad you loved it and I’m even more happy that you were able to open it from the link. 😘😘😘
      Please do start writing soon. I miss your write-ups.


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