tiny tale #62: The story of the forgotten bicycle…

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Their mothers had met at a pregnancy class. Born a few minutes apart, Jenny and Ryan were inseparable. They had always cycled to school together.

Jenny’s diagnosis put an end to their routine. Her bicycle now lay abandoned by her window. That didn’t stop Ryan from visiting her every day. As her chemo sessions grew more aggressive, their conversations grew shorter. Jenny got tired easily, but she never gave up.

Today, Ryan no longer waited near the window. Things had changed. He was by her hospital bed, waiting for Jenny to wake up. The bone marrow transplant was a success.

(100 words)

This post was written in response to the 100 Word Wednesday: Week 136 prompt. The challenge is to weave a tale in exactly 100 words based on the given photo prompt. Click on the image to know more about the challenge and read entries by my fellow bloggers.

So what did you think? Will Jenny be back to normal soon?

Click here to read all my tiny tales.

This September, I’m taking my blog to the next level with Blogchatter’s #MyFriendAlexa. 🙂

Image courtesy: Cyranny

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© 2019 Shweta Suresh. All rights reserved.

46 thoughts on “tiny tale #62: The story of the forgotten bicycle…

    1. There’s a kind of dark beauty in tragedy too. Your tale is a classic example of that. I’d initially thought about a dark ending. But then I thought the lighter twist would be better. I needed a happy ending. Thank you so much for reading, Kia.


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