Hidden in plain sight

I have been here 
For a long while 
I'm nearly as old 
As these hills themselves 
I have seen these hills transform 
From young mountains 
To a lush green expanse 
Though I exist in plain sight 
I am virtually invisible 
People only notice me 
When I cross the invisible boundary 
That they have set for me 
They tread upon me, 
Over and over again 
Until their well-tread paths 
Carve out a clearing 
Amidst my surface 
Weary travellers rarely pause 
To admire me  
As I roll over the hills and valleys 
Stretching as far as their eyes can see 
They lavish their attention instead 
On the misty white clouds 
Floating over me 
Marveling at their beauty 
Oblivious to the smirks 
That the mighty clouds throw my way 
I bind the soil and save the hills 
Yet, here I am 
Downtrodden, unappreciated, and neglected, 
Seemingly invisible until it's time, 
To prune me off. 

Dear readers, do you have any idea who the ‘I’ in this poem is? Do let me know. 😉

This poem was written in response to Sue Vincent’s Thursday photo prompt – the #writephoto prompt. The challenge is to use the given photo prompt as an inspiration to create a post on your own blog… poetry, prose, humour… light or dark, whatever you choose, as long as it is fairly family-friendly. Thank you, Sue for hosting this challenge. Click on the link to know more about this challenge and to read the entries by my fellow bloggers.

Image courtesy: Sue Vincent

Click here to read all my other poems. 🙂

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