short story #27: Crossroads

It was well past midnight. The streets were dimly lit by the overhead lamps. The roads were empty and the shops had all closed for the day. The otherwise busy intersection was now deserted. Even the traffic signals had retired after a busy day’s work and were flashing amber. This was the very traffic signal and the intersection that had changed his life forever. Drew was rooted to the spot, on his motorcycle staring away into nothingness. In his mind’s eye, he replayed the events of that fateful day. His heart was still too numb and hurting to focus on his surroundings. There was a ringing in his ears that refused to stop. His eyes were red and swollen from all the tears that they had shed. Regret and heartbreak washed all over him. Warm streams of tears ran down his face as the memories flashed through his mind. It had been the first time he ran a red light, but it would be the last too. If only he had been patient and waited for the light to turn green, Kate would still be alive.

(185 words)

This post was written in response to the Sunday Photo Fiction hosted by Donna. Thank you Donna for hosting this challenge. The challenge is to use the picture prompt as an inspiration to write a story in 200 words or less.

For the visually challenged readers, the image shows an intersection with traffic signals at night. The shops are closed and the road is dimly lit and deserted except for a man in a motorcycle who can be seen from a distance.

P.S: That was heartbreaking. Violating traffic rules is extremely irresponsible and dangerous, especially in busy traffic lanes. Sometimes, the price is too heavy to pay. Always wear a helmet with the belt strapped in place if you are travelling by motorcycles. If you are travelling by car, please ensure that all the passengers are wearing belts.

Image courtesy: Unsplash

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© 2020 Shweta Suresh. All rights reserved.

66 thoughts on “short story #27: Crossroads

    1. Oh yes, that’s one story I had in mind while writing this. This was the first plot that came to my mind when I saw the picture. I was wondering if anyone else would recognise the similarity. 😃 I love that movie! Thank you, Reshmi.

      Liked by 2 people

  1. Tragic but as you rightly said the repercussions of breaking a signal or traffic rules can be fatal, I am aways a careful driver but I feel our system in India needs to improve and people who are the biggest issue here

    Liked by 2 people

  2. His sense of regret and loss is tangible through your words. So often I see motorcyclists taking unnecessary risks.

    Shweta, thank you so much for the visits you paid to my blog today and the lovely comments you left me.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I have seen many of them take unnecessary risks without any care or precautions. Thank you for dropping by, Keith.
      I am happy that I was able to catch up on all your posts, Keith. It was my pleasure 😊

      Liked by 1 person

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