
They say that 
Beggars can't be choosers 
Choices are a luxury 
An extravagance, 
Denied to many. 
Having a choice is great 
It's better than no choices 
But too many choices 
Can't be a good thing 
Is it just me? 
Or does anyone else feel so? 
Choices, if one too many, 
Can be confusing 
Selecting one becomes a chore. 
When life provides choices, 
Each one comes with a catch. 
Every choice has consequences. 
Sometimes, the price 
Is too much to pay. 
Choices mean nothing, 
If you can't truly have, 
What your heart yearns for. 
In that case, 
Choices are just a consolation prize 
Which doesn't exactly make up 
For all that you are missing. 

This poem was written in response to Sadje’s What Do You See prompt #40. Thank you, Sadje for hosting this challenge. The challenge is to use the picture prompt as inspiration to compose an original story, poem, or a caption.

I went with a really abstract take this time. So many stories converged and merged in my mind. But in the end, what caught my attention were the six teacups on the table. And it got me thinking about choices. That’s how this poem was born. I hope you will like it though this poem may not seem like a proper response to this prompt. But this is what the image inspired me to come up with. 🙂

For the visually challenged reader, the image shows a table set with six teacups, a teapot and a glass beaker. The wall at the back is adorned with oriental art and a flower arrangement.

Image courtesy: Unsplash

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© 2020 Shweta Suresh. All rights reserved.

62 thoughts on “Choices…

  1. That’s so true! More choices, more confusion.😐

    I might just leave all the cups and pick the water glass coz no options there.😅

    Btw, I too have written on this today. Do check that out when you can.😊

    Liked by 1 person

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