Pitch Black and the Seven Dwarfs – Part 7 (The Finale)

Click here to read Part 1

Click here to read Part 2

Click here to read Part 3

Click here to read Part 4

Click here to read Part 5

Click here to read Part 6

Pitch Black longed for the beautiful apple, and when the peasant woman offered her a half, she could no longer resist the craving. She stuck her hand out and took the proffered half. She had barely taken a bite when the little blue door opened. She was finally free! The old peasant woman was gone, and in her spot stood Queen Rowena, her stepmother.

The Queen looked at her with motherly tenderness and love, laughed loudly, and said, “Dark as coal, brave as a lion, and wise as an owl! The dwarfs have served me well. This time the dwarfs’ spells won’t stop you from leaving, my dear. Come back with me to the Palace. You shall be the Crown Princess. The King, your father awaits your return.”

Queen Rowena and Pitch Black went back to the castle. Pitch Black’s homecoming was celebrated with great splendor and majesty. The entire kingdom was invited to the feast.

The three of them lived happily. As the years passed, the King’s health started to decline and Pitch Black got more involved in the matters of the kingdom, under the wise guidance of Queen Rowena. After a few years, the King’s health rapidly declined and soon, he died. With the King’s death, Pitch Black was no longer the Crown Princess – she was to be crowned the Queen!

On the day of Pitch Black’s coronation, Rowena stepped before her magical mirror and said:

Mirror, mirror, on the wall,
Who in this land is the wisest of all?

And the mirror answered:

You, my queen, are wise; it is true.
But the new Queen is a thousand times wiser than you.

At last, Queen Mother was truly delighted and proud of her child. That was the last question she ever posed to her magical mirror. She covered her magical mirror and put it away.

Queen Pitch Black was the wisest Queen any kingdom had ever had. Under her rule, the kingdom flourished more than ever and all of its subjects remained happy and content.

The End

This is Part 7 of 7. I hope you enjoyed Pitch Black’s story. It was hard to compress such a long story into one blog post. That’s why I split it up into seven parts. Seven seemed fitting because, well, you know, there are seven dwarfs!

As you may have noticed, I added a lot of twists to the classic story. This is a re-telling after all and I did my best to do away with the following stereotypes:

  1. Beauty isn’t all about being fair-skinned. That is one concept that skin whitening creams thrive on. I really wanted to debunk this concept. Hence, Pitch Black.
  2. All stepmothers are not evil. There are ones like Queen Mother Rowena too.
  3. All fairy tales don’t necessarily need a Prince Charming or any element of romance. Love comes in all forms. It’s not all about romance.
  4. Princesses don’t need a Prince Charming to make them complete.
  5. Reality isn’t always a happily-ever-after. It’s a mix of highs and lows.
  6. Princesses can be Heir Apparent too, not just Heir Presumptive. To explain further, it means that female heirs can inherit kingdoms too, not just the male descendants.
  7. Princesses don’t need to be married to be crowned as Queens!

Did you enjoy my re-telling and all the twists in the plot? Do let me know. I would love to read your comments.

This story is a part of my Twisted Fairy Tale series.

This post is a part of Blogchatter Half Marathon.

 Image courtesy: Pexels from Pixabay & Blogchatter

Stay safe.

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© 2021 Shweta Suresh. All rights reserved.

107 thoughts on “Pitch Black and the Seven Dwarfs – Part 7 (The Finale)

  1. This was definitely my favourite Snow White re-telling, I’d much rather read this version to my future child than the original! It was just such a great feel good tale and you rectified most of the things that I don’t like about fairytales – the focus wasn’t on romance, all of the characters weren’t lilly white, and the step family were loving rather than just evil. I’m definitely saving the link to this story so that I can come back to it whenever I want ❤

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Aww, I’m so happy to hear that, Simone. Thanks a lot. Feel free to share the link to all the people who might like reading. Hopefully, I’ll be about to flesh out the characters a bit more and publish it into a book. Thank you so much ❤️🤗

      Liked by 1 person

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