Hard times – a tiny tale

"Chaaaaiiiii chaaaiiiii. Hot chaiiii", Raju announced relentlessly as he moved from one carriage to the other. The pandemic imposed restrictions had bankrupted him and waylaid his livelihood. When the trains got cancelled, he was forced to seek out odd jobs just to make ends meet. Even then, there were days when his family of three … Continue reading Hard times – a tiny tale

One-liner Wednesdays #21

Twice (adverb) The minimum number of times it takes most people to correctly connect a USB cable!* *as long as it's not a Type C cable! 😀 What about you? Did you find this relatable? Written in response to today's One-Liner Wednesday challenge from Linda G. Hill. Wherever you are, I hope you are safe … Continue reading One-liner Wednesdays #21

One-liner Wednesdays #20

Clumsy (adjective) When Mother Earth loves you so much and is really possessive of you that she pulls you down for hugs every now and then. Most of my friends tease me by saying that I walk as if I don't know how to walk/as if I'm going to fall down anytime. Clumsiness is my … Continue reading One-liner Wednesdays #20

One-liner Wednesdays #19

Hurry (noun) The unfortunate situation in which you find yourself performing tasks as if you are in a hyperlapse video and end up messing things more than half of the time! Procrastination gives way to hurry. The sooner the deadline, the more you hurry. 😀 Written in response to today's One-Liner Wednesday challenge from Linda … Continue reading One-liner Wednesdays #19

One-liner Wednesdays #18

Cooking (noun) The one skill that was widely accepted as an essential, basic skill that everyone and anyone should know, all thanks to the lockdown. I was cooking on my own well before the lockdown and I was extremely grateful that I did learn my way around the kitchen. But we have a lot of … Continue reading One-liner Wednesdays #18

Donate, if you can. Every Rupee Counts!

It's day 7 of the #lockdown in India, announced rather hastily in the wake of the coronavirus. The public has divided opinion about the lockdown, but I, for one, am all for it. In a country like India, if the virus is given free rein and provided with all the opportunity to spread, the result … Continue reading Donate, if you can. Every Rupee Counts!

One-liner Wednesdays #17

Wi-Fi (noun) Just another thing that's saving my sanity during the lockdown. Written in response to today's One-Liner Wednesday challenge from Linda G. Hill. DISCLAIMER: The above-mentioned post is meant to be taken lightly. We need a bit of humour in our lives, especially in the light of recent developments. Ever since midnight, the whole … Continue reading One-liner Wednesdays #17

In honour of the festival of lights…

Today, India celebrates Deepavali or Diwali, the festival of lights. Like any other festival, there is a story, or rather several stories behind this particular festival. Being the diverse country that India is, different parts of the country celebrate this festival for different reasons. In South India, (where I hail from) it is celebrated in … Continue reading In honour of the festival of lights…

six word story #49

2.1 km separated hope from reality. This post was written in response to my own Saturday Six Word Story Prompt (6WSP) #2: hope. In the early hours of 7th September 2019, what was expected to be a historic moment for ISRO turned into a nightmare. At a height of 2.1km above the lunar surface, Vikram … Continue reading six word story #49

Justice: Is it too much to ask for?

Before I start, let me make something very clear. There are many decent men out there in this world. Yes, I know that. This post is not about or meant for any of them. #MeToo was a sensational status that stirred up quite a storm on Facebook and Twitter. There were millions to talk about … Continue reading Justice: Is it too much to ask for?