six word story #117

Rain and sunshine. Nature seemed conflicted.  Lately, we've been having many days when the rain and sunshine appear together, giving rise to beautiful rainbows. It's just another beautiful miracle of Nature!


The golden rays recede Forced to retreat, to withdraw, As twilight chases the day away Drawing the curtains temporarily On the daily war waged in the skies Turning the tables in the battle between the Sun and the Moon, As the balance shifts From the light to the dark The Sun makes his way to … Continue reading Twilight


Dusk prepares to settle down The golden prince takes his leave A cloud of misty vapour veils his exit The ripples in the lake care not that the day has given way to night Having had his fill of the beautiful scenery the lone child at the pier hurries home, hurrying to get home before … Continue reading Nightfall


The sky was bloodshot. The rays of the rising sun cast a reddish glow over the morning sky and painted the clouds red. The morning rays kissed the waiting horizon and spread the light gradually but steadily, dispelling the blanket of darkness. The Golden Orb was yet to make his appearance but his magnificent rays … Continue reading Sunrises