
All they wanted was a habitat – a place to call their own,

and a chance to survive…

But humans had other plans.

© 2017 Shweta Suresh. All rights reserved.

“By the year 2100, human activities such as pollution, land clearing, and overfishing may drive more than half of the world’s marine and land species to extinction.”

Source: National Geographic

Check this out: How many species are we losing?

Written in response to the Daily Prompt: Survive

Image courtesy: Pixabay

46 thoughts on “Survive…

  1. Recently my neighbourhood has been harassed by monkeys. Plants have been uprooted and fruits were thrown about. I guess this is our comeuppance​ for destroying their homes in the first place. I believe they came from the nearby hills where quarrying is being done.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. They must have fled from the forests because of the human interference. 😕 Do they come regularly? I remember you telling me about them getting into the water tank a long time ago.. There have been instances when monkeys have been spotted around my locality too.. but the worst part is that most people don’t believe in the comeuppance part. They just see these animals as invaders who have to be eliminated at all costs. Man-animal conflict is a severe issue nowadays.


  2. This is so sad but so true. It’s actually something that comes to my mind every day, how much I want to live a more sustainable, green, environmental friendly life. There are so many chances I could make, if I just focused on them. This is amazing, as always. Your words always make sense in my heart and mind. Love your talent and love you ❤

    Liked by 2 people

    1. It’s something that’s constantly on my mind too. I’m glad that you’re on the same page too, darling. Thank you so much. This is an issue that’s close to my heart and the very first thing that came to my mind when I saw the word “survive”. Thanks a lot, dear. I’m so happy to hear that. Thanks for being a huge supporter! I can’t thank you enough. 😘😊

      Liked by 1 person

  3. This is so sad 😥
    By the way my comments seem to be getting stuck in your spam for some reason so I’ve been trying to comment on our other posts and they just disappear!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. That happens at times. Don’t worry, dear. I’m here to rescue all your comments. They won’t go ignored, or unnoticed. 😉😊 I had that problem too, especially during the April A2Z Challenge! So many bloggers reported that my comments regularly ended up in the spam folder. But it’ll pass after a while. This tends to occur when we’re really active on the blogosphere.. leaving behind so many comments! 😂 It’s almost like WP’s way of telling us to “take it slow”. 😀 All those comments have re-appeared safely. So don’t worry! 😊

      Liked by 1 person

    1. I have to disagree with you on that first part. Humankind is solely responsible for such destruction. That isn’t exactly the way of life. 😐 Dinosaurs didn’t become extinct as a result of human actions so that’s easier to live with. There was nothing we could have done. This isn’t the same. Human actions are putting several species at risk. The rate is quite alarming.


  4. Very important topic and point you’ve raised. We often overlook and disregard the other living organisms we share this precious earth with. Little do we realise that the destruction we are causing not only hurts the planet but ultimately ourselves. What legacy are we really leaving for our children, grand children and the future as a whole? Thank you for sharing. 🙂 Thought provoking.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yes. We often overlook this seemingly tiny but very significant fact. At the rate it’s going, things are looking very grim indeed. While we may not be able to change it overnight, we can all do our part to fight against this and hope that many more are inspired to join the fight. Thank you so much for that thoughtful comment. I nodded along to each and every sentence you’d written. Thanks for​ stopping by and letting me know! ☺

      Liked by 1 person

  5. Life nowadays is so disheartening when you read things like this and it’s a wonder why the world is struggling so much these days when we as humans don’t seem to care as much as we used to. I’ve thoughts for years about how we can help influence people to understand the natural world more and alas it is to no avail, it’s just nice to see that some other people on here are as shocked as I am to the destruction humans are doing to this planet. We need to talk about these issues more, get some more understanding. I congratulate you on putting this issue to the forefront.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. We need to put plans into action to save Mother Earth… before it’s too late to save her! This is an issue that I care about deeply. It’s a pleasure to interact with someone who cares about this as much as I do. Yes, we need to talk about these issues. Thank you so much for stopping by and sharing your thoughts. Please accept my sincere apologies for the extremely delayed response. Do keep visiting!


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