Variety is the spice of life

When I was just a child
Adulting seemed fascinating.
It seemed like
A tempting bowl of candy
Within my line of sight
That I just couldn't reach.
But as an adult,
I realised that
Looks can be deceiving.
Life isn't an easy ride.
It's an epic rollercoaster ride,
A crazy mix,
Of happiness, sadness,
Anger, pleasure, hatred, love,
Fear, courage, wonder,
Sunshine and dark clouds,
Immense joy and spells of misery.
Like the different colours of candy,
Each emotion was special
In its own way.
Without sadness,
We will never know
Or appreciate
The value of happiness.
The dark days help us evolve,
And transform into better versions.
We can handpick candy
Decide which colours we want,
But life doesn't offer that choice.
We have got to experience it all.
As someone rightly said,
Variety is the spice of life.
One colour seems too monotonous
Though I am not a fan
Of certain shades of life,
I will take them all,
Experiencing the highs and lows
As life throws them my way.

This verse was written in response to the Photo Challenge #324 hosted at Mindlovemisery’s Menagerie and Fandango’s FOWC challenge for the day: Epic. The first challenge is to use the photo prompt as an inspiration for a poem or short story. FOWC challenge is all about using the given word in a post. Thank you, NEKNEERAJ and Fandango for hosting these challenges.

For the visually challenged, the picture shows a close-up view of an assortment of various colours of gummy candy in a small glass bowl.

Click here to read all my other poems. 🙂

Image courtesy: NEKNEERAJ

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